
Welcome to the City’s Central Psychiatric Center!

No concern is, too small and we do not leave our patients alone with their concerns. Our team of specialists can help you find the correct solutions and the right treatments for your specific mental health condition.

We also invest in prevention methods to help our clients with their mental health needs. We pride ourselves on our professionalism and building a relationship of trust with our patients. Any issues or concerns discussed with our trained specialists are held in the highest confidentiality. Consultations can also be easily scheduled with one of our psychiatrists, psychologists, or mental health nurses.

Children, adolescents and adults of all ages are welcome.

We are available to meet patients on site, in our warm and welcoming downtown center or we can arrange an online virtual meeting as well.

Our staff consists of well trained and qualified psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, family therapists and mental health nurses.


A psychiatrist is a specialized doctor who, using their knowledge and experience, can assess a person’s mental health status and prescribe either pharmacological treatment or give a referral to a clinical psychologist for psychotherapy treatment.

Child psychiatrist

A child psychiatrist is a psychiatrist with specific expertise in distinguishing and recognizing  mental disorders and developmental characteristics that are specific to children. It is a common practice to use medication and psychotherapy together in treatments. In less severe cases, psychotherapy alone or even just psychological counselling can be sufficient. The decision on the most effective form of treatment is made by the doctor in collaboration with the treatment team, which includes a child psychologist, a mental health nurse and a speech therapist. The team will work on the basis of the child’s individuality and best interests, and in cooperation with the child, their family and network members.

Clinical psychologist

A clinical psychologist is a psychologist with at least a master’s degree in psychology who holds a certificate as a clinical psychologist. In addition to a master’s degree, for the psychologist to be qualified to practice, they are required to complete a one-year residency in clinical psychology. Clinical psychologists are involved in the assessment, treatment and prevention of psychological conditions and mental and behavioral disorders. This is accomplished by using evidence-based interventions, research tools and methods recognized in the field of psychology. Clinical psychologists may also have additional qualifications – neuropsychologist, psychotherapist, child psychologist or forensic psychologist- depending on their area of specialization. Psychologists do not prescribe medication.


A psychotherapist is a professional trained in a specific school of psychotherapy, usually a psychologist or psychiatrist. Some schools also allow other related basic qualifications (e.g. social worker, special needs teacher). A psychotherapist uses their own training-based methods to treat mental conditions and adapting the best approach according to the needs of the client and their condition.

Mental health nurse

A mental health nurse is a nursing professional with specific skills and knowledge who can assess a person’s mental health status and advise specifically on mental health issues. They will also be able to decide whether a person displaying a mental health condition needs to be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist. Sometimes, only psychology counselling is needed. The work of a mental health nurse also includes monitoring the health of patients already receiving psychiatric treatment and counselling them on less complex issues (sleep, progress of treatment, coping with their condition and returning to daily life). There is always a doctor alongside the mental health nurse to guide the treatment process.

Our mental health nurses work with children, adolescents and adults. At the initial consultation, the mental health nurse will help decide whether psychiatric or psychological intervention is required. Sometimes only a consultation with a mental health nurse is enough.

Mental health nurse services include:
  • Supporting the young person at the initial stage of
    • mood swings
    • anxiety and panic attacks
    • sleep disorders
    • self-harming behavior and suicidal thoughts.
  • Counselling children and their parents in cases of suspected ADHD and autism spectrum disorder, as well as in coping with emotion management
  • Treatment and follow-up of recurrent clients.
Our team of mental health specialists can help you find the correct solutions and the right treatments for your specific mental health condition.